Thursday, December 21, 2006

grrr you tube

so I've been trying to get this...why can't I link words anymore? grr beta blogger you are not helpful in the least...the old one inserted all the technical info in parentheses so then you could make the link whatever word you this case I wanted the word to be "this".
"This" see gobblygook above is a rant about PAchabel's canon from youtube...

but embly why didn't you post the video straight to your blog like last time?

well I tried several times, but it didn't work....hah! maybe it's because I switched to beta..??...

I'll work on that.

anyhow I've made this rant before...I mean he's alittle harsh on all the chord structures being the same...I mean it's only the second favorite sequence of all time...composeres they like sequences...they make things easy...key changes....or like pachabel's canon, they allow for a cyclic song...

heee!!! see what I did there? cyclic song is the name of my blog you see, so it's funny!

1 comment:

Duff said...

Well played, Embly. Well played.